Where the River Runs Dry

My way of venting out my exhaustions, confusions, excitements, and aggrevations in my world & those in and around it.

The Beginning of the DIET

Today is the first day of my diet and workout plan. So far I haven’t had anything that was really nutrious for me unless pizza rolls and and a turkey, cheese, cracker, and butterfinger lunchable is nutrious. I did however workout for 15 minutes on the elipitcal machine. I really hate having to eat only certain things, but I’m not sure if I’m going to really worry about the diet part. The working out is more important to me right now than what I eat since I don’t really eat all that much and most of it, with the exception of today are vegetables.

My plan is to lose 15 pounds. I don’t have a time limit on doing so or anything, but just to get back into my size 1 pants is enough for me. I really just need to lose my ass. Somehow it started growing and not sure why. I know, it sounds funny and all, but I can’t help it. My ass literally will not fit into my jeans anymore. It expanded from a size 0 up to a size 9 in about a year. I didn’t change anything in my diet other than adding more vegetables and less soft drinks. Maybe its rebelling against me. I’m down to a size 4 now and have been more active and working out here and there plus it is summer. I do alot of walking in the summer and spend alot of time outdoors. My last job had me doing alot of walking and bending and now that I’m working at home again I’m afraid I’m going to gain all those inches back. So the next best thing for me is to work out on the eliptical machine as much as I can in between writing articles for clients.

So other than just working on some new projects for clients I’ve been working on my novel. Basically it is a “my life thus far” type of book but labeled fiction (for now). It’s been a work in progress for about two years now and it really hasn’t made much progress. I want to have atleast 75 pages by the end of this year. Good quality pages, not the stuff that is on the pages as I speak.

July 20, 2009 Posted by | Diets, Exercise | , | Leave a comment

TGIF: Just Another Day

Today is Friday although it doesn’t feel that way. I crawled out of bed this morning pretty much unwillingly and stumbled into the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. After mixing the coffee (instant that is), two spoons of sugar, and a bit of French Vanilla creamer I wandered into the living room where my laptop awaits my return. I open the lid to find it doing updates, so I wait. Once it completed I start checking email in hopes that my inquiry emails I sent out yesterday were answered to some aspect. Whether the response is “Sorry, but your writing does not fit our style”, or “We have received your inquiry and currently it is under review”, to “Please write an on spec article and we will get back to you once we receive it”. I’m always iffy with those types of responses. I’ve been burned before where they take that freshly written article and stick it on their website without paying or even notifying me of the event.

I have started up another blog for my writing and anything related to writing. I haven’t really written much on it as of yet, but it will be up and have some content in it before the end of the month.

–  2009 UpsideDownGrl

July 10, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Back from Vacation

Vacation was great and now its over. That makes me a bit sad, but I’m glad to be back home. DSC_4375I miss the beach, the smell of the ocean, the feel of the sand between my toes, and the cool breeze blowing in from the sea.  We spent most of our time store hopping along Atlantic Ave in Virginia Beach as well as walking on the beach early in the morning as the tide went out in Ocean View (Willoughby Spit Area).

I snapped a few photos of what the tide left behind and picked up smooth rocks and a few sponges that came in with the tide. We found a jelly fish the first day we were there and I took a photo of it. DSC_4371Now I’m back and trying to get ready to get back to work. My current job has no work available for me this week due to the holiday, so I’m surfing around on the internet looking for a few freelance writing jobs which seem to be few and far between. I’ve hooked back up with Demand Studios and have taken on a few projects, but the pay isn’t really all that good. But I guess I can pay my car insurance and my Dish bill with the pay from that. I also hooked up with HubPages but I can’t see making any money from that site. DSC_4351But my search will keep going and I’ll keep writing the little bits so I can get myself back up to the big bits. DSC_4372Now if I can just keep a good focus.




July 6, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Vacation Time

I’m so excited!!! I finally get to go on a vacation. It was a last minute planning due to my work schedule, but the plan was to go to the beach and although I may not be going to the beach I wanted to go to, atleast its a beach. My plan was to visit Cape Hatteras in N.C., but after hours and hours of searching and calling hotels around the area to end up with no rooms available, we chose to go to Virginia Beach. And since I know the area we can go to various places instead of just spending the day searching for places to visit between soaking up the sun.
virginia_beach_hotels After my vacation I’m going to be looking for a new job. I love my job. I’ve been promoted and got a few raises, but it’s actually costing me money to work there. With all the driving I’m actually spending way too much on gas than I’m actually making to pay my bills. I’m looking for some more freelance writing work to fill in the money that I’m not making. So far the freelance work is some slim pickings. But maybe I’ll land something.

– UpSideDownGrl

July 1, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment