Where the River Runs Dry

My way of venting out my exhaustions, confusions, excitements, and aggrevations in my world & those in and around it.

TGIF: Just Another Day

Today is Friday although it doesn’t feel that way. I crawled out of bed this morning pretty much unwillingly and stumbled into the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. After mixing the coffee (instant that is), two spoons of sugar, and a bit of French Vanilla creamer I wandered into the living room where my laptop awaits my return. I open the lid to find it doing updates, so I wait. Once it completed I start checking email in hopes that my inquiry emails I sent out yesterday were answered to some aspect. Whether the response is “Sorry, but your writing does not fit our style”, or “We have received your inquiry and currently it is under review”, to “Please write an on spec article and we will get back to you once we receive it”. I’m always iffy with those types of responses. I’ve been burned before where they take that freshly written article and stick it on their website without paying or even notifying me of the event.

I have started up another blog for my writing and anything related to writing. I haven’t really written much on it as of yet, but it will be up and have some content in it before the end of the month.

–  2009 UpsideDownGrl

July 10, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment